A Higher Version of Today…

There’s more to becoming a senior citizen than the traditional “Retire and Die” model. Retirement is not the end game, but a transition into the actualization of our full potential. By looking ahead and visualizing a new chapter, we can begin moving from today to More.

More Life, More Adventure, and More Satisfaction.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

— Proverbs 29:18

And, “Vision without action is merely a dream.”

— Joel Arthur Barker

Who will I be in 5 years? In 10 years? In 15 years?

And, as importantly, How will I get there?

Senior Essence is an aging strategy.

The essential question is what do I want in this final chapter of my life?

Followed by when do I want it, and, how will I get it?

It’s a vision, a plan, and daily action.

Senior Essence inspires us to move from where we are to where we want to be in four primary areas of our lives.

  • Money

    Can I afford to Retire? Do I have enough to live fully and achieve my vision? How must I manage my money to achieve my desires?

  • Health

    How am I treating my body? Am I protecting my health as if my life depends upon it? What will I do differently?

  • Time

    How will I use my time? Will I spend or invest it? What is my current day vs. my "perfect day?"

  • Others

    Who am I spending my time with and why? If they are no longer here, how will I survive? Who will take care of me?