
‘An aged person will not hesitate to ask a seven-day-infant about the Place of Life, and that person will live. Many of the first will make themselves last , and they will become One.’

Gospel Of Thomas

Senior Essence is about living a Higher Version of Today.

By this I mean beyond the programmed model of aging that society has given us.

We don’t have to accept the traditional mode of slow decline, retirement and death.

Living a Higher Version of Today takes back our individual control over our lives and rejects the norms of aging. Rather than accept the programmed “traditional senior model” we reject its authority over our choices and create our own script, our own model.

This is the true intent of Senior Essence...to question everything, accept nothing but our own definition of ourselves and future contribution to our remaining life.

To live from within rather than from without

My name is Michael Naylor. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I’m divorced, retired and sixty six years old. I have two adult children, and two grand children.

Senior Essence is a summary of where I think I’m heading, where I started, and how I’m getting there. This is my work in progress…my second adolescence.