Mike Naylor Mike Naylor

What do I Desire?

I’ve done a good job burying my desire under the weight of my avatar, my false self. My mission is to reunite with my true self and live the life I was originally designed to live. As I look around at the things I still own, I ask myself if they are reflections of who I am or simply copies of someone else’s design. When I look around and ask the same question about where I live, I realize that I’m here by chance not choice.

I’ve spent my life “checked out.” I lived someone else”s script, not mine.This is not the life I want to continue. It’s now time to make my own choices, from a sane and sober mind, to live from my desire.

And because I’m not sure what my desire is, yet, I must begin by taking an inventory of what I have and ask if this is what I want? If it doesn’t “fit” the future version of me, it must go.

This special time in my life provides a freedom of choice, no longer constrained by work or outside influences, I can undertake the journey to find and rescue my true self. Nothing I have in this moment is permanent.

This adventure is simply a transition from one persona to another. I am no longer who I once was and have not yet identified who’ll I’ll become.

I’m fortunate to have the resources to stop and undertake the challenge of determining who I will become without the stress of monetary or family pressures. It’s as if I’m on scholarship to attend the university of my future self. Having all my needs met while I study and investigate the path of my next iteration.This is Senior Essence, the freedom to design who I will ultimately become.

“maybe you don’t need to find more energy, maybe you just need to find a dream that makes you actually want to get up in the morning.” Brianna Wiest

In Practice:

Who do I have to become to make Senior Essence relevant to myself and others? Who do I want to become in my future years?

Action Item:

Identify at least one person to serve with my knowledge and begin immediately.

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